Il trionfo dell’onore, Opera by A. Scarlatti

The majesty of the gorgeous Malibran Theatre in Venice is on full display for a performance of Il trionfo dell'onore by Alessandro Scarlatti. This run of shows of the opera buffa – or comic opera – will delight audiences thanks to the historic setting and the wonderful musicianship of the La Fenice Orchestra as well as the talented vocal performers. First staged on 26 November 1718 at the Teatro dei Fiorentini in Naples, Il trionfo dell'onore is the only comic opera written by Scarlatti that is known of today and this production represents a superb opportunity to enjoy its amusing tone.
Often translated into English as The Triumph of Honour, Il trionfo dell'onore is staged over three acts. When Francesco Antonio Tullio provided the libretto for him, Scarlatti was famous throughout Italy for his operatic works. The plot of this opera revolves around a young man, Riccardo Albenori, who lacks much self-restraint and his sidekick, an older man named Captain Rodimarte Bombarda. The pair arrive in the Italian city of Pisa after fleeing nearby Lucca following trouble with the law, not to mention certain romantic entanglements they wish to extricate themselves from. Albenori and Bombarda head to one of their kinsman's homes, the house of Flaminio Castravacca, Albenori's uncle.
While the men were in Lucca, it transpires, Albenori had seduced Leonora Dorini. However, soon thereafter he embarked on another conquest, that of Doralice Rosetti. Both women follow Albenori to Pisa and seek the hospitality of Doralice's Aunt, Cornelia Buffacci, so they can track down Albenori. At this point, the comedic potential of Il trionfo dell'onore becomes apparent because Flaminio and Cornelia, though kinspeople of the two groups, are married to one another. What's more, they employ a servant girl, Rosina Caruccia, who gets into the story at this juncture, catching the eye of the two young men.
In the second act, the mix-up potential is heightened when Leonora's brother turns up. He is in love with Doralice but Leonora reveals to her brother, Erminio, that Albenori has seduced her while they were in Lucca. While Erminio expresses his desire to fight for Doralice's honour, the two young women argue over Albenori. In the final act, Albenori attempts to elope with Doralice. However, Erminio finds out and challenges his rival to a duel. The finale of the opera sees the action play out with a telling climax, but will Albenori learn from his carefree ways?
With an entertaining story, some superb arias and plenty of opportunity for farcical mix-ups to occur, this rendition of Il trionfo dell'onore will undoubtedly offer Venetian audience-goers much to enjoy.